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Tangles is a game of concavities and planes, and between lights and shadows that connect to each other to create a network. With this modular tile set made with recycled glass I want to represent the concept of a collective connectivity; that everything is related and intertwined in some way.

The geometric shape of the modules and the variety of designs allow us to create multiple combinations, from the simplest to very intricate sets.

I manufacture these tiles with recycled glass and you can pre order them in the color, shape, size and quantity you want and need, write to me and I'll send you a budget!

Aprende a hacer objetos como este utilizando la técnica de colada con moldes cerámicos en uno de mis cursos.

Visita mi página de cursos y talleres para más información.

Gif baldosas modulares cerámica y vidrio "enredos" - Adriana Machado Studio
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